Site abused by tourists: Camps banned this year on a beach in Pass-Saint-Laurent

Site abused by tourists: Camps banned this year on a beach in Pass-Saint-Laurent

Camping has been banned on some beaches in the eastern part of the province to protect areas that have been abused when tourists flock from Quebec last summer.

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In Pass-Saint-Laurent, heavy traffic on the Saint-Germain beach near Camouraska has increased tensions and caused damage to this ecosystem. Campfire and junk have become a real issue in particular.

The village has banned camps looking for a place to sleep to set up their tent.

“Before, there were a lot of eels, but after camping, these plants are disappearing,” explains Pearl Morensi, co-owner of the Cட்டாte d’Ivoire restaurant in Camouraska. Elim des Chables is a plant with numerous roots that stabilize the banks. So the decline of Elymas leads to the erosion of the banks.

These rest areas are also located due to the departure of birds in need and traffic.

So the small village is implementing changes in the rules in conjunction with Sarat to Quebec. In May, 13 tickets were issued. In June, that number dropped to eight.

In Caspian

Note that in the spring Caspian adopted a law prohibiting beach camping for locals and visitors.

“This is a step towards adjusting utilities and environmental protection,” explains Mayor Daniel Cote.

The lack of cleaning facilities makes it difficult to have vehicles on the beaches, he said.

This year, a similar situation has not yet occurred. Kotte says.

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“We set clear rules and we hired a security company,” he said.

Other cities in Caspian have also tightened the screws on the camps.

Carleton-sur-Mer has limited the number of RVs allowed in private yards and allows camping only in the far east and west directions of the city.

For his part, Chandler has provided an overflow domain for those who have no place to stay overnight.

– With Erica Opin

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