Sony PlayStation Stars Scheme overview, release dates

Sony PlayStation Stars Scheme overview, release dates
Playstation Stars 1

Sony has published a comprehensive overview of its new device playstation stars program for PS . BlogCovers everything you need to know. Launching today across Asia, the program will roll out to North and South America on October 5, 2022, and then get it to Europe eight days later on October 13, 2022. The service is completely free to join, and you don’t need to PS Plus Sign up to register. Although active membership provides additional benefits.

By registering, which is done on the PlayStation app, you will have the ability to earn the following rewards:

  • loyalty points – Can be exchanged for PSN Wallet funds and select PS Store products
  • digital collectibles Described as “a beautiful digital representation of things PlayStation fans enjoy, including figurines of beloved and iconic characters from games and other forms of entertainment, as well as cherished hardware that capitalizes on Sony’s history of innovation.”

It is important to emphasize again: These digital collectibles are not NFTs. Sony says they are “created for our loyalty program only, and while some of them may be rare, they are not unique and do not benefit from blockchain technology. They cannot be resold or traded. Digital collectibles can only be acquired or Obtained through PlayStation Stars”.

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