This story is part of Welcome to Marsour series exploring the red planet.
Do you know what I would like? Conclusive evidence of alien life on Mars. Give me tentacle beasts and a civilization of aliens who live in underground lairs. Make my sci-fi fantasies a reality. NASA’s recent Curiosity rover image of a strange rock formation on the Red Planet has led to interesting speculation, but it’s not evidence of alien activity. darn.
Goofy Mars rocks are the spice of life to me, and this one is fun. I came across tuesday in Since discussion Reddit removed He asks what might have caused the entrance-like cutout on the side of the hill of Mars. The view comes from a series of Raw photos captured by Curiosity’s mast-mounted camera On May 7.
Mosaic view of Mars from Curiosity puts “The Entrance” into context.
NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Red Circle By Amanda Koser/CNET
UFO debunker Interesting UFO Take a picture of what looks like a “secret underground tunnel entrance” by sharing a broader view of the landscape. “Watching it in context as part of the whole mosaic, we can see that little spot in a rock with blocks, fractures, other shapes, and other erosion features all over that rock surface,” Tweeted on UFO of Interest on Wednesday.
About this raw image (, What is that? Entrance to a secret underground tunnel? Viewing it in context as part of the entire mosaic, we can see that small niche in a rock with other masses, fractures, shapes and other erosion features all over the face of the rock.
– (@ufoofinterest) May 11 2022
Images of Mars can be deceiving. Unconventional wear Rocks can look like a fish. A backlit cliff could look like A glimpse of the face. Cropped photos and zoomed in views can make small features look big. The “entrance” may be completely unnoticeable if the shadows happen to fall from a different angle.
This is not to deter the joy of finding strange-shaped rocks and landscape features on Mars. We should definitely have fun butt cracks And Zen Gardens And whimsical arcs. But perhaps the most magical thing is that we have a robot on wheels that spins around Gale Crater, bringing back images from another world.
“Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff.”