State secularism: Jean-Saurest opposed Bill 21

State secularism: Jean-Saurest opposed Bill 21

Former Quebec Prime Minister and leading candidate of the Conservative Party of Canada Jean Sauerst formally opposes state secular law. Toronto Star Wednesday evening.

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According to the newspaper, Mr. Charest’s spokeswoman Michelle Coates Mather said the law, which seeks to ban the wearing of religious symbols by certain professions, has been repealed. The Canadian Prime Minister goes so far as to believe that the federal government should intervene if he opposes the law before the Supreme Court of Canada.

According to the author, the question is very interesting Star Aldia Raj, Mr. Charest wants to link himself to another potential candidate for leadership, Patrick Brown, mayor of Brampton. The latter will have to officially announce his entry into the leadership race on Sunday, while Jean Scharest will have to confirm his candidacy on Thursday.

Two people who have known each other and his friend for over 25 years – Mr. Mr. Brown explained the reason for his involvement in conservative politics. Goes as far as telling Sarrest, wanting to help each other and avoid attacking each other. During the leadership campaign, the columnist exposed each other.

However, Patrick Brown was one of the strongest opponents of Bill 21 in the country. The mayor passed a motion in his municipal council last December condemning the law, and paid $ 100,000 to help companies pay for court costs in court.

In addition, Mayor Brown urged other mayors across Canada to do the same, with leading cities such as Toronto and Calgary condemning Bill 21.

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