The academic world was perplexed by Bernard Trinville’s appointment

The academic world was perplexed by Bernard Trinville’s appointment

He always made irreverent comments about education, with simplistic solutions to the most complex files.This person adds, pointing out that anxiety is felt by many Many members.

The former columnist and host of 98.5 has already publicly attacked the Higher Council on Education on air (CSE) is an organization that oversees educational development in Quebec since 1964.

In 2019, after two years of consultations, The CSE It is proposed to review the way schools evaluate students, questioning and, among other things, the appropriateness of assigning class averages to children.

Bernard Trinville joked at the time about the stress children could experience in this environment.

Stop giving class averages? Ah, mean hell! Because what you want, it creates stress for the child. I can’t say a little, you might ask, ironically, a little sarcasticallyHe said before addressing the President CSE, Mary’s Lassonde.

After a few minutes, he cut her off on the pretext of better understanding.

But why does comparison become such a bad thing in our society? […] Such is life, we spend time comparing ourselvessaid the facilitator.

The child should not be overly competitive. He is not an athlete. A child who is in a situation where he has to learn, we have to facilitate learningThe President replied.

In 2021, on his promising Culture and Citizenship course, the former PQ minister and father of the now-defunct Charter of Values ​​believed that school staff’s concerns were negative and suggested they change their approach.

I hope the teachers get back to a positive state soon […] Again this morning, a crowd comes out to shoot the duck before it wakes up. Please do […] Yes, you should make sure that it is not a catch-all course […] Teachers are well trained to provide it. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, but […]“Can you try?

This is right ScarySay some, beneficial, add others.

Yes. Our people are worried. But if we decide to work hard to value education in the Cabinet, as we have sometimes put our energy into devaluing staff by saying we are cut off, we will achieve something.Another resource from the school network underscores with yellow humor.

Principals’ associations and teachers’ unions in their official statements on Thursday urged the minister to consultBe is asking And Work closely with the community.

Mr. With Trineville’s personality, he has the ability to break down doors if he decides to make education a top priority, but there’s work to be done before getting there, the work of listening.Josie Scalabrini, President of the Federation of Education Societies (FSE-CSQ), says:

Bernard Trinville, followed by a cameraman, walks down a corridor.

Bernard Trinville on the sidelines of the CAQ caucus in Brossard (Archives).

Photo: Radio-Canada / Ivano Demers

Before entering politics under the PQ government, Bernard Trinville was a journalist and reporter for Radio-Canada.

We know his journalistic skills. We believe in a minister who will take his role seriously by searching for the facts and rigorously required to hold the position of Minister of Education.Melanie Hubert, president of the Federation of Autonomous Education (FAE), underlines her role.

When the new Minister of Education comes in, he is sure to have apprenticeships on his side and on ours.Eric Gingras, president of the Central Trade Unions of Quebec (CSQ), notes.

The positive aspect when you change ministers is to create a new wayHe adds.

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continuously Radio-Canada exposures In Spring 2021, Bernard Trinville gave Minister Roberge the benefit of the doubt on 98.5 about air quality in schools.

Jean-François Roberge says the opposite, but does he know he’s lying?

Paul Arcand asked what he would do instead.

Bernard, you find out your deputy is lying to your face, what do you do? asked the coordinator. Bernard Trinville concluded: you”clear”He should pay.

At the end of this column, he also congratulated Treasury Board President Sonia Lebel for her excellent work in negotiating with the unions.

One of the new education minister’s first files is the negotiation of collective agreements, which will precisely suit school staff unions. Some unions will submit their proposals next week.

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