The Canadian Armed Forces official says it will take ‘tens of thousands of soldiers’ to capture Kiev

The Canadian Armed Forces official says it will take ‘tens of thousands of soldiers’ to capture Kiev

The Russian side will have to send large numbers of troops and resources to remove the extraordinary brutality of Kyiv’s urban battlefield, however, according to a military expert, this will prompt them to step up their bombing.

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“As they have known about Russian military operations for the past 30 years, they have been using massive firefights in urban areas to reduce their casualties. I’m very concerned that this time in Kiev they are trying to do that,” said Major Jason Xerox, an infantry officer with the Royal Canadian Regiment’s infantry officer.

An official in the history of urban warfare explained that an armed conflict in an urban environment involves more planning than a normal involvement, but involves far more resources.

“When an occupying force besieges a city, it must quickly expend a great deal of manpower and resources to evacuate the guards and build through the building,” Major Xerox explained.

Listen to a summary of Major Jason Xerox’s interview with Alexandre Moranville-Ollet on QUB Radio:

“So an urban deployment requires four times more ammunition than a normal engagement, and almost three times as much food and water. Normally our body needs about 2000 calories a day to function properly, but a soldier hired in a city has to constantly dig, crawl,” You have to feed them nine times a day, it takes incredible logistics! ”, He elaborated, relying on various historical examples.

In addition, this type of engagement can quickly turn into assassination because the fight is often brutal.

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“Three to six times more soldiers are killed than usual during urban engagement. Fight almost hand in hand, with an enemy who may be at home, look at the next room,” he explained.

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