The CAQ suspects other parties are plotting to shut down parliament

The CAQ suspects other parties are plotting to shut down parliament

Opposition parties are plotting to oust the (Quebec) parliament. Conservative MP Claire Samson sold the trilogy on Tuesday in a video she filmed “live from her bed”, launched Wednesday by government House Speaker Simon Jolin-Barrett.

Released at 3:21 p.m.

Carolyn Blonde
Canadian Press

“Yesterday a member of Iberville went live from his bed, his bedroom,” […] Said […] He denounced that he had contacted each of the opposition groups and that we were going to set aside time on Bill 28.

“So we are going to shut down the parliament with the cooperation of the opposition colleagues,” he said. […] So, do you see how politics is done on the Conservative side, the President himself? ⁇

The video was later circulated by the Quakists, in which M.A.Me Samson declares that he has “spoken to representatives of all other opposition parties and will take the time to go from article to article.”

Accepting policy

The Coalition Avenir Quebec (CAQ) government is seeking the cooperation of the opposition to expedite the passage of the 28th Bill aimed at ending the health emergency.

Opposition parties have stated they will not run in the by-elections until December 31, 2022.

Since March 13, 2020, the CAQ has been managing the health emergency with full assistance – giving it full powers to avoid collective bargaining and award contracts without calling for tenders.

When presenting his bill 28, Health Minister Christian Dube argued that he should have orders allowing temporary staff and the use of various vaccines.

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During the debate on adopting the policy on Wednesday, he said, “Those 29,000 fewer people do not need this extra pressure on our health network.”

To extend or improve contracts for storage and transportation of equipment concluded by mutual agreement during disasters up to five years after the end of a health emergency. Dubey likes.

“Going for a call for tenders would mean a significant increase in storage costs,” he argued, twice instead of once, condemning the video of his colleagues Jolene-Barrett and Claire Samson.

“What surprises me, Mr. President, is that when I saw the member video for Iberville, there was a consensus among the opposition to slow down the bill and set aside time,” he said.

The right to speak

For their part, the opposition did not conclude such an agreement and demanded the right to speak. “What is cooperation? Applause? It does not work the same way,” said liberal Moncef Terroji.

“No dark maneuver has come out,” said Vincent Maricel, a Quebec Solidarity health spokesman.

“The government is spreading all sorts of vague conspiracy rumors about the opposition, which together will formally block the bill,” he charged.

“It says more about the CAQ’s rage with Quebec’s Conservative Party than our own position on the bill,” he said. Maricel said.

Joel Arsenio, the parliamentary leader of the party Quebecois, tweeted for his part: “This is wrong! We have no intention of blocking. […] Member of Iberville […] Not the spokesman for the opposition. ⁇

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