The deer died in the fall in Langue

The deer died in the fall in Langue

The city announced Tuesday that many of the deer in Michel-Chartrand Park that threaten the environment of this lush environment in Longueuil will finally be euthanized next fall, noting that it has all the permissions to carry out the operation.

Read more: Deer slaughter: Anne-France Goldwater puts Longueil in notice

Read more: Deer Massacre: Catherine Bornier stands

The city has previously indicated that it plans to reduce the number of deer this winter, before the next tanning season.

“Technical factors would have taken action against only 30 deer this winter, which is not enough to have a significant impact on the park’s large population of wildlife,” Mayor Catherine Bornier said in a statement. Release.

At least sixty animals must be euthanized to allow the park to find a point of ecological balance.

“Because we want to reduce the number of interventions, this is a very reasonable schedule of circumstances. Once the herd is reduced to the support capacity of the park, we may consider long-term control methods such as sterilization,” Ms. Fornier continued.

“We must continue to work to reduce deer herds that prevent large populations from recreating the natural environment. People who visit the park frequently see the damage and understand that we have reached an irreversible level that could trigger action this year, ”said Jonathan Tabara, municipal councilor for the Park-Michael-Chartrand district.

The city faces strong challenges to its decision to pursue animal slaughter to address the problem of overpopulation.

On Jan. 20, the attorney sent a formal notice on behalf of Service Argent Animals to Goldwater City on-demand, specifically requesting that no action be taken on the animals until the courts hear the initial application for judicial review.

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In view of m Goldwater and the system, other solutions are available to the city, such as moving animals or turning the park into a deer sanctuary.

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