The father of a man accused of fatal assault in Laval comes to his aid

The father of a man accused of fatal assault in Laval comes to his aid

Andrew Marchant, the teenager believed to be behind Sunday’s deadly attack in Laval, has been released on conditions.

• Read more: Suspected hit-and-run driver in Laval arrested

• Read more: Fatal hit and run in Laval

The accident happened around 4:30 pm at the corner of Jaffa Street and Lisbon Boulevard near Saint-Rose Boulevard.

Two men in a white Range Rover crashed into another vehicle and fled. The driver of the Honda Civic succumbed to his injuries.

The 25-year-old man was accused of hit-and-run and driving, but despite everything, his father decided to protect him.

“He stopped himself in front of another guy that came out of nowhere, my boy didn’t do a hit and run,” said the accused’s father, Daniel Marchant. “He didn’t run.”

Within an hour of the impact, Andrew Marchant called 9-1-1 to surrender to authorities. Investigators had reason to believe he was unfit to drive.

It was the 5th fatal hit in Quebec in at least three weeks.

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