The number of cases is no longer registered in schools

The number of cases is no longer registered in schools

With Return to class scheduled for Monday, Will completely change the way COVID-19 is detected in the Quebec school network. Parents will no longer be notified that there is a case in their child’s class.

Read more: “Relief” and “Volunteer Parents” as reinforcements in schools

Until December, the Ministry of Education recorded the number of positive cases each day in Quebec schools, among staff and students.

From January 17, Quebec will collect staff and student attendance rates, according to a formula that must be specified (twice a week for staff members).

We confirm to the Office of the Minister of Education Jean-Franசois Roberz that parents will not be notified if the situation arises, as students do not have to isolate themselves if they are involved in a positive case in their class.

Bank on parental goodwill

Since quick tests are the only way to find out if a child is infected with the virus, school administrators should rely on the good faith of parents who have tested their child at home.

If the child has a runny nose, parents can send their child to school without proving that the test at home is negative. However, if there are symptoms during the day, an elementary school student may be tested at school.

High schools, however, do not have access to quick tests to screen students with symptoms in the classroom.

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