‘The Perfect Wife’ or ‘Oh My God’? Mark Zuckerberg Unveils 7-Foot Statue of His Wife | Mark Zuckerberg

‘The Perfect Wife’ or ‘Oh My God’? Mark Zuckerberg Unveils 7-Foot Statue of His Wife | Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg has raised eyebrows by assigning Giant statue of his wifePriscilla Chan.

In a photo of the statue posted on Instagram, the Facebook CEO and co-founder said it was “reviving the Roman tradition of making sculptures of your wife.”

The massive sculpture was created by New York-based artist Daniel Arsham, who has collaborated with brands including Tiffany and Dior. Chan is shown in green and appears to be in mid-step, with a large silver cape flowing behind her.

The photo shows Zuckerberg and Chan standing next to the statue, which appears to be about 7 feet tall and has been placed under a tree. In the comments, Chan writes, “The more I have the better?” alongside a heart emoji.

People’s Magazine, which Advertise Zuckerberg said he was “the perfect man for a wife!” and noted that in Roman times, statues were sometimes made to honor deceased loved ones or “to mark important relatives and establish meaningful connections.”

The statue received a largely positive response from Zuckerberg’s followers.

“Oh my god how beautiful she is, lucky girl,” one person wrote, while the account has since been deleted. “Billionaires [sic] “lifestyle”The Facebook page, which posts photos of wealthy people and expensive items, posted: “This thing… [sic] To be in [a] “Museum,” accompanied by applause and fire symbols.

However, not everyone was impressed. Andrew Mwangi books: “This is the most inappropriate thing a billionaire could ever do,” said a user named Defiler. “Oh my god. This is so inappropriate.”

Zuckerberg did not post the photo on Facebook, although he did recently post it. video A picture of him surfing in a suit and holding an American flag.

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