The pressure on the Montreal is high

The pressure on the Montreal is high

The burden of infection is particularly high in Montreal, where half of Quebec’s intensive care patients in Govit-19 have been hospitalized.

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Recent data from the Institute National de Santo Public du Quebec (INSPQ) and the Ministry of Health and Community show that 45% of patients admitted to the intensive care unit for covit-19 disease, or 119 out of 265, are hospitalized in Montreal. Services (MSSS).

This is almost twice the population representation of the region at the provincial level, which is about 25%.

“There is a lot of pressure, which causes COVID-19 cases to come out of our ears,” D emphasizes.R. Franசois Marquis, head of the intensive care unit at the Hospital Mycenne-Rosemond.

“Not all of these patients are due to COVID-19, but they are still isolated in negative pressure chambers.

After Montreal, 21 patients each in the Estri and Capitol-National regions were positive for COVID-19 in intensive care or in 8% of cases.

At the height of the first wave, in April 2020, Montreal managed 63% of intensive care patients across the province. At the time, however, few hospitals were assigned to receive affected patients.


Currently, hospitals are required by law to manage patients within their boundaries. Therefore patients in intensive care in Montreal are largely Montreal.

According to doctors, the population density of the metropolis partly explains the situation. Public transportation, factories, apartment buildings: Increases the risk of congestion.

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“When you have the most epidemics, densely populated areas create more contact and more epidemics. That’s why New York was taken so high. [que les régions rurales] “, D underscoresR. Marquis.

A few transfers

As a general rule, all hospitals in Quebec have the capacity to care for COVID-19 patients in their intensive care unit. However, some patients who require the most intensive care (including kidneys) may need to go to specialized centers, often in Montreal.

According to the INSPQ, Montreal is again 36% more sensitive region for hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Apparently, this pressure on the system has effects on the operating chambers, which have reduced their functionality to a minimum.

Despite this, dR. Poirier did not believe that Montreal patients should be sent elsewhere.

“If we move to the South Coast, when she wants to have surgery, she can’t do them. Putting a dress on the jacks is like taking off a milkshake. ”

Is under control

According to extremist Michael de Marchi, pressure will remain strong in Montreal until the end of February. He works at the Jewish General Hospital, where half of the patients in intensive care have not been vaccinated against COVID-19.

“We do everything we can to keep intensive care under control,” he says. The system is very busy at the moment, but in control. ⁇

– With Charles Mathew

Covit-19 positive ICU patients

  • Montreal: 119 (45%)
  • Laval: 8 (3%)
  • Outdoors: 7 (3%)
  • Laurentites: 15 (6%)
  • Lonadier: 11 (4%)
  • Morrissey-Center-to-Quebec: 13 (5%)
  • National Capital: 21 (8%)
  • Estree: 21 (8%)
  • Saudier-Appalachians: 15 (6%)
  • Lower St. Lawrence: 2 (1%)
  • Abitibi-Timiscamingue: 1 (0.4%)
  • Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean: 13 (5%)
  • North Coast: 1 (0.4%)
  • Total: 265
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Source: INSPQ and MSSS data as of January 20, 2022 No patients in IS in many regions

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