The Russians behind the Aluminerie Alouette cyber attack

The Russians behind the Aluminerie Alouette cyber attack

According to experts, two weeks ago Russian hackers caused a major computer failure at the aluminum allotment in September-Isles.

Read more: Aluminum alloy is paralyzed by cyber attack for 4 more days

Read more: Alouette aluminum smelter can be targeted by cyber attack

According to experts, two weeks ago Russian hackers caused a major computer failure at the aluminum allotment in September-Isles.

“We have access to the documents they have published,” he pointed out Newspaper Karim Ganame, CEO of StreamScan, was able to confirm the information originally leaked by ICI Radio-Canada Côte-Nord.

According to him, the procedure is simple. Cybercriminals seize a network and then try to negotiate with the company.

“This is ransomware. They expect you to negotiate. If you do not negotiate, they will start releasing your data to put pressure on you, ”he says. “This has nothing to do with the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Kandy is a very aggressive group of Russian pirates, ”said Kareem Kaname.

“That’s what they do for a living, ransomware. That has nothing to do with war. They go everywhere. For them, aluminum smelter is more interesting than a bakery, ”says Eric Barent, CEO of Eva Technologies.

Aluminerie Alouette's name can be found in some documents discussed by Karim Ganame, CEO of StreamScan.

Courtesy Image

Aluminerie Alouette’s name can be found in some documents discussed by Karim Ganame, CEO of StreamScan.

“Internal Destruction”

However, according to high-tech and telecommunications lawyer Julien Valois-Francoeur, the latest actions of these pirates are not as far-fetched as one might think from the war in Ukraine. “When the conflict erupted, some members of Gandhi were neutral, while others sided with the Russian government, so one of their members turned his shirt over and began publishing information against them,” he underlined.

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The newspaper reveals that the insidious internal hacking group discussions were exposed by an anti-war member Tech Crunch.

“It is even suspected that some of these groups are affiliated with the Russian secret service,” Julian Volois-Franாங்கois went so far as to say.

Today, Aluminerie Alouette did not respond to our interview requests.

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