Ukrainian forces regained about 20% of the territory lost in Severodonetsk Since the Russian invasion, according to to Ukrainian officials. While the situation was difficult before, the percentage [held by Russia] Serhiy Gaidai, head of the eastern district of Luhansk, announced on national television on Friday that 70% is somewhere, and now we have already pushed them back by about 20%.
Senior US General Mark Milley met Finnish President Sauli Niinistö on Friday to pledge US support for Finland’s and Sweden’s membership in NATO.banned by Turkey. Milley told reporters that it was clear that if the two countries’ requests were approved, “they would lead to a significant increase in NATO’s military capacity,” AFP reported. After Helsinki, Mili is expected to visit neighboring Sweden on Saturday.
A driver transporting Reuters reporters was killed in eastern Ukraine and the two journalists were slightly injured On Friday, a company spokesperson said. They had come under fire on their way to Severodonetsk. “They were traveling in a car provided by the Russian-backed separatists and driven by an individual appointed by the separatists,” the international news agency said.
Vladimir Putin says exporting grain from Ukraine “is not a problem”, The invasion of Moscow raised fears of a global food crisis. The Russian president said in a television interview on Friday that the export could take place through Ukrainian ports, through other ports under Russian control, or even through Central Europe. Putin accused the West of “bragging” by claiming that Moscow is blocking grain exports from Ukraine.
African Union President and Senegalese President Macky Sall. He said She was “reassured” after his meeting with Putin about the global food shortage Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In addition to global food shortages, other issues discussed between the two leaders included stuck grain supplies at Ukrainian ports.
The Ambassador of Ukraine in Ankara Vasyl Bodna. Accused Russia “steals” and sends Ukrainian grain abroad. “Russia shamelessly steals Ukrainian grain and sends it abroad from Crimea, including Turkey,” Bodna said in a tweet on Twitter on Friday.
14 million Ukrainians have been forced to flee their homes, the majority of them women and children, Amin Awad, UN Crisis Coordinator for Ukraine, He said Friday. in statement Issued on the 100th day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Awad spoke of displaced Ukrainians, describing the “size and speed of [their] An exodus that history has not witnessed.
Moscow will help restore and rebuild Luhansk and Donetsk, Mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin announce On Friday after visiting Luhansk. The mayor said that about 1,500 specialists from various departments of the Moscow Municipal Economic Complex and 500 pieces of equipment have arrived in Luhansk.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen He said who – which Ukraine You must meet all the necessary criteria and conditions to join. She called on the European Union to help Ukraine achieve its goals.
Ukrainian President “Victory will be ours” Volodymyr Zelensky He said in the video It includes the same key ministers and advisers who appeared with him on a defiant broadcast on February 24, the day his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, launched his attack unprovoked. “The Armed Forces of Ukraine are here. Most importantly, our people are here. We have been defending Ukraine for 100 days already … Glory to Ukraine ”, added Zelensky.
French President Emmanuel Macron has said Putin made a “historic and fundamental mistake” by invading Ukraine and is now “isolated”.. “I think, and I told him, that he made a historic and fundamental mistake for his people, for himself and for history,” McCross said in an interview with French regional media on Friday. “Self-isolation is one thing, but being able to get out of it is a difficult path.” Macron said he did not “rule out” a visit to Kyiv.
The Swiss government has unacceptable Denmark has requested that approximately twenty Swiss-made APCs be sent to Ukraine. The Swiss Federal Council confirmed the decision on Friday after Denmark asked Switzerland to transfer 22 Swiss-made Piranha III wheeled armored personnel carriers, which Denmark acquired and stockpiled in Germany, to Ukraine.