The smoke show in Ottawa annoys the relatives of the victims

The smoke show in Ottawa annoys the relatives of the victims

A convoy of motorcyclists in Ottawa is angry with relatives of the 15,000 victims who made the coup in Quebec against some of the health restrictions still in place.

Read more: “Rolling Thunder”: Day 2 demonstration in Ottawa

Read more: Motorcyclist convoy: Here we go again in Ottawa

“What a stupid rally”, abandons Jean-Paul Jazz, who is doubly infected by the virus.

In January, he lost his 45-year-old wife Georgina, who had not been vaccinated, and his mother-in-law a few weeks ago.

Vaccinated and very cautious, Montreal describes participants in the rally demanding more “freedoms” as “children.”

On Saturday, hundreds of them returned to the center of the nation’s capital and marched in front of a Canadian war memorial, either on foot or on a motorcycle.

Speakers known for their anti-plot or anti-vaccine stances alternated on the microphone throughout the day, calling for the elimination of some remaining health measures.

“These people don’t think logically,” Jasik said angrily.

Several protesters, including the Quebec group Farfadaas, took part in a series of truckers that paralyzed Ottawa for several weeks in February.

Pick two

Preparing to be visibly better, police issued 560 parking tickets this time and towed 39 vehicles through Saturday afternoon, the municipal regulatory service said on Twitter.

Seven people were arrested in the turbulent evening on Friday.

However, these events, which diminish the importance of the corona virus, are particularly prevalent in people with goiter.

“It does not help the grief process, but rather it makes people angry and helpless when they do not comply with the measures,” explains Melanie Wachon, a professor of psychology at UQAM.

  • Quebec crossed the 15,000 death mark on Saturday, including more than 3,000 since January.
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