The tenants were evicted after being denied eviction

The tenants were evicted after being denied eviction

Tenants accused of renewing their landlord were recently evicted by emergency firefighters in Montreal.

Philip DeSira-Lessard

Philip DeSira-Lessard

This is the second time this spring in Montreal where real estate pressure is strong.

Firefighters presented themselves on April 21 at 4530 Avenue Groverd in the Notre Dame-de-Cruz district, “for conflicts related to the fire alarm system, evacuation procedures and disconnected sections. The missing fire,” the Montreal Fire Department said.

“Firefighters told us it was no longer safe. […] If there is a fire, everything will burn in three minutes and everyone will die, ”said Bagh-ki Wong, who has lived in the area for 15 years. “I got a five-hour notice. Other tenants received less than that. ”


Bagh-ki Wong in front of the hotel where he is staying temporarily

He has been living in the hotel ever since. “All my clothes are still there, my furniture is all there, my things are all there,” he continued. It is difficult It is difficult. ”

The owner of the 18-unit building has been trying to get tenants out for months to renovate it. Mr. Wong claims to have received a $ 10,000 offer to terminate his lease a year ago.

Last fall, the owner’s attitude changed. The eviction notice was sent to tenants who still live on the site, saying “a recent building survey revealed the need to carry out some major repair work.” This document was submitted by Mr. 80 1180 as compensation to Wong.

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Residents of the four-story apartment building refused to leave.

Among them, in addition to Bak-Kee Wong, is Madi Mitalia. “It’s amazing,” he said. I feel dark and I have no idea what is going to happen. […] Is stupid. He also claims to have received a multi-thousand dollar offer.

Mr. Mitalia was surprised to find a luxury renovated apartment in her building on an online platform. Rent: 980 square feet 7 1,700, which is twice as much as his apartment. Indicates availability from Notice 1There is June.

Photo from RENTALS.CA

7,700 Apartment for Rent at 4530 Avenue Groverd

An owner in the Bahamas

Since 2019, 4530 Avenue Giroward has been a number one company led by Mark-Antoine Brule Proso, a young Montreal businessman who belongs to a family that owns the Les Enfonds Terribles restaurant chain. He is the one who signs the official documents related to the building.

Photo from Facebook

Mark-Antoine Brule Proso

The numbered company is owned by Core Realties Inc., a majority (through another numbered company) owned by Northern Realty Corp, a company with a post office box address in the Bahamas. Core Realties Inc., which owns several buildings in Montreal, is a simple employee of a wealth management company in the Bahamas. Managed by Brule Proso and Lavern Darville.

The latter and her boss did not call back Press.

Mark-Antoine Brule Brosso did not respond to interview requests Press.

“She is OK [de la demande d’entrevue] I don’t think you’re going to get a call from him, “said his lawyer, Eric Chowk.

Chapter Two

Me Chowk also represents Brandon Schiller and Jeremy Cornblut, and two real estate developers have been accused of remodeling by their tenants.

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Both have 3440 Ridgewood Avenue in Montreal and were evacuated by Montreal firefighters and the Red Cross at midnight last February after firewalls were removed. In this case, too, the owners first tried to get the tenants to go to great lengths.

On Ridgewood Ave.

“One year, this is hell,” said one of the tenants, who was fired in April, demanding anonymity as the case is before the courts. One of her neighbors spoke on social media. “All of this has been working illegally for months by a predatory owner,” he lamented. It is sad to see people over the age of 90 helpless. ”

The following month, in May, Jeremy Cornblut realized that his team needed to improve the way it handled relations with tenants.

“I think we can do better in our communications with tenants,” he said in an interview. “I will appoint another general contractor and we will take action [pour améliorer les choses]. »

The businessman said tenants should also understand that by refusing to leave their shelter for the duration of a construction site, they should expect inconvenience. “There’s a lot of noise, there’s a lot of dust, there’s a lot of things, but we’re reducing it,” he said. “We do everything we can [que ça reste] As convenient as possible, but it is not optimal for people to stay during the reconstruction. ”

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