The UC Irvine pulled sweatshirt from Costco has become a sought-after item among students

The UC Irvine pulled sweatshirt from Costco has become a sought-after item among students

After Costco released out-of-print UC Irvine sweaters and removed them from stores in less than a day, students and alumni are now scrambling to buy the faulty merchandise.

The sweatshirts Designed for the University of California, Irvine, and sold at three Costco, Orange County locations, the school’s name is misspelled as “UC Urvine Anteaters.” After the error was identified, Costco stores took immediate action to do so [the sweatshirts] Removal.”

However, many current and former students are actively seeking out the faulty jerseys, with one Twitter user stating that they will “go to LENGTHS” to get one.

Vivien Lu, a 2010 graduate student, stated that she had never bought UC Irvine merchandise, but that she would “definitely buy them” and was confident that other students would be interested in buying the defective T-shirts, too.

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Le checked eBay for potential sweatshirt listings but couldn’t find any.

Aharon he begged Those who managed to buy sweaters to put them up for sale.

“It’s definitely a new item that a lot of students will want,” one student told CBS. “I will definitely review that, being a bit proud that they are reinstalling ‘Goods’.

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A UC Irvine spokesperson stated that the university “was notified of defective merchandise over the weekend at three Costco stores in Orange County.”

“UCI works regularly with vendors and in commerce, design, manufacturing and retail. Although there are various places in the trade chain where malfunctions may occur, it is rare,” a spokesperson said.

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