The United States expects to ban Russian flights from American airspace

The United States expects to ban Russian flights from American airspace

The US government is expected to ban Russian planes from US airspace, expanding flight restrictions as the West extends sanctions war in ukraineAccording to people familiar with the matter.

President Biden is expected to announce the ban in his State of the Union address on Tuesday, a White House official said after the Wall Street Journal reported that an order is expected to ban Russian-owned and operated aircraft from US airspace as soon as possible. the next 24 hours.

The US move will follow previous bans by European and Canadian authorities. The restrictions, for which Russia retaliated by issuing a similar ban on European and Canadian flights, have hampered the airlines’ flight plans. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Mounts.

The mutual ban on flights has disrupted global airline networks, forcing airlines to cancel flights and take more roundabout routes in some cases.

After European and Canadian restrictions,


Russian Airlines SAOG, the country’s national carrier, announced that it has suspended all flights to European destinations. Aeroflot said the closure of Canadian airspace means it will also cancel transatlantic routes, including flights to the United States, Mexico and Cuba, from February 28 to March 2. Dominican Republic to help the Russians return home.

In March, Aeroflot was scheduled to operate dozens of flights to and from US cities including New York, Miami and Los Angeles, according to Cirium, a flight data provider.

American passenger carriers do not operate non-stop flights to Russia, but its airspace is part of a corridor for many long-haul flights to Asia, including air cargo services.

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United Airlines Holdings company ,

Which normally flies over Russia on its way to India, said on Tuesday it would stop flying through Russian airspace.

Delta Airlines company

And the

American Airlines Group company

They also stopped flying through Russian airspace.

Cargo flights to and from Asia from North America account for a quarter of global freight traffic, according to the International Air Transport Association. Airlines executives said the majority of East Asians currently travel through Russian airspace.

US administration officials have expressed concern about disruptions to the supply chain already marred by the Covid-19 pandemic, according to people familiar with the discussions.

On Tuesday, large cargo carriers continued to cross Russia on routes to Asia from North America and the Middle East, including aircraft operated by

Chinese AirlinesAnd the

FedEx corp.

And the

Korean Air company

write to Alison Sider at [email protected] and Andrew Tangel at [email protected]

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It appeared on March 2, 2022, print edition as “The United States Prepares to Close Russia’s Airspace.”

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