The United States vetoes a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

The United States vetoes a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza


The United States has vetoed a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, an expected move that comes amid growing international demand for Israel to halt its offensive against Hamas.

The United States had already indicated its intention to veto the Algerian resolution, but it increased its criticism of Israel's behavior in Gaza and on Monday proposed its own draft resolution to the Security Council. Calls for a “temporary ceasefire” In conflict.

Attention will now turn to the progress of the US draft resolution, which falls short of the wishes of most other Security Council members but nonetheless highlights the hardening of the White House's position on the conflict.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, told the Security Council that the resolution proposed by Algeria would negatively affect the sensitive negotiations ongoing in the region.

He added: “To proceed with a vote today was wishful thinking and irresponsible, so while we cannot support a resolution that would jeopardize sensitive negotiations, we look forward to participating in a text that we believe will address many of the concerns we all share.” She said after voting.

Although Algeria's decision was ultimately doomed to failure, it highlighted increasingly widespread global concern about the content of the IDF's ground and bombing campaign in Gaza.

This story is broken and will be updated.

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