There is no need to be ashamed to compare Legalt

There is no need to be ashamed to compare Legalt

The leader of the Young Coalitionists believes that Prime Minister Franois LeCold should not be ashamed to compare himself with Maurice Duplessis.

Also read: Duplessis vs. Awakening

Also read: [VIDÉO] “Awake” by Franுவாois Legalt Gabriel Nado-Dubois

“He certainly has bad sides, but Maurice Duplessis was also the first to defend Quebec’s autonomy. Under the Alliance D’Venir Quebec (CRCAQ).

Gabriel Nado-Dubois, Quebec’s parliamentary leader, the leader of the youth wing, says it is “regrettable” that former Prime Minister Franois Legalt has been used negatively.

In response, the Coquist Prime Minister “woke up” his opponent and qualified for unity.

Kevin Brazier refuses to attack this movement, which focuses on the protection of minorities, but is concerned about attempts by his youth to murmur.

“The best example, we had a kiosk at a university [NDLR : l’Université de Montréal] We were censored by people who did not want us to be there because we represented incompatible values. We held difficult conferences with some activists, “he explained, adding that he was in favor of” freedom of expression “.

Identified at the center of the discussions

An old church in Limol, Quebec, was planned for the government by young Caucasians gathering all weekend.

During the conference, questions of identity particularly motivated the participants.

Young Caucasians voted in favor of the inclusion of a component of Quebec values ​​and culture in the next edition of the Ethics and Religious Culture Curriculum. This idea had already been proposed during consultations by the CRCA, which led to the immediate schedule of reform of the ECR curriculum.

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“We will not lie to each other, this is a liberal trend,” said a spokesman for the current edition, Etienne-Alexandre Pure Record.

The head of the CAQ section believes that the content of such a course should be determined by experts.

For example, gender equality would be one of the taught values. “We see it with domestic violence, sexual violence. These are issues that have been very painful for our society in recent months. We can no longer count the number of femicide, he explains. For me, these are values ​​that need to be taught to our youth.”

There will also be talk of secularism. “Education [permet] To better understand social debates, says Kevan Prasour. There should be no support for or against Act 21 in relation to secularism. I think it is important to teach so that young people can understand and get this issue in their head. ”

In the same way, on Saturday, young Coquistas approved a plan to create a curriculum of Quebec books that could be taught in schools in Quebec.

More details to follow …

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