These are the casino games for those with strategic brains

These are the casino games for those with strategic brains

One criticism that many non-gamblers have about casino games is that they’re mindless. There is some truth in that for some games — slot machines don’t require much brain work. Your chances of winning or losing don’t really depend on anything that you do.

That isn’t true of all casino games though. There are some that really put your strategic brain power to the test. Research has shown that doing puzzles and working your brain can help delay the onset of dementia and other degenerative brain diseases. Card games that work your strategic skills could have a similar affect. It’s never too early to start working on protecting your brain!

Playing at an online casino found on sites like allows you to test out which games work best for your brain, without the cost and commitment of going to a land-based casino. This way you can try out all of the games below to find just which ones you enjoy most, and which ones pose the biggest challenge to get your brain ticking.


Blackjack is one of the greatest casino games for working your brain and training your strategic abilities. Part of its strategic appeal lies in its simplicity. All you have to do is get your cards to add up to 21, or at least get closer than the dealer. Go any higher and you lose.

It sounds almost too simple. In reality though, it is a game about measuring odds and trying to logically work out how close you can get with what cards might be left in the deck. It is also an exciting game. Strategy doesn’t just mean doing the math and knowing the odds, it’s also about taking calculated risks in the hope that they’ll pay off. Blackjack is perfect for that.

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Just don’t cross the line from playing a strategy to counting cards! Counting cards is an impressive skill and while not explicitly cheating, most casinos frown on it and will ask you to leave if you’re caught doing it.


If you need a true test of your strategic skills on multiple levels, there is no better game than poker. Poker requires you to be able to strategize on two levels: in terms of the cards and in terms of the human element. The card strategies require learning all the different hands and what combinations of cards you can put together to win. The better you know the cards, the easier it will be for you to surprise your opponents.

Being able to read people is one of the most important strategic skills a person can have. It can help determine the success or failure of politicians and business leaders. In our daily lives, our ability to read people can help us make friends, avoid conflicts and get ahead in life.

Every casino movie that involves poker will feature a scene where reading someone’s poker tell is a major plot point. Casino Royal (2006) shows both learning to read peoples tells and when to use that knowledge for strategic purposes. You’ll probably never be in a situation where you’re trying to foil international terrorists by outsmarting them in poker, but once you can read peoples tells well, it will improve your poker skills.

Betting strategy

If you have a betting strategy it can really turn any game of chance into a strategic endeavor. Being able to stick to a strategy even when you’re on a losing streak demands grit, determination and faith in the odds.

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Betting strategies are not always grounded in reality, sometimes they rely more on superstition and faulty logic. However, sometimes there is a seed of logic and sense in even the most unrealistic strategies.

One of the most popular and famous betting strategies is the Martingale strategy. The central strategy is that with every loss, the gambler doubles their bet. This would mean that even when a gambler has a bad losing streak, they will eventually win and recoup all of their losses. It is particularly popular with roulette but can be used with other games that have similar odds. Being able to hold themselves to such a dangerous strategy forces the player to test their resolve, courage and faith in the odds.

Casino gaming doesn’t have to call up images of retirees in their Hawaiian shirts, sitting in front of slot machines and mindlessly pushing the buttons as they slowly get older and grayer. There are casino games that require a strategic brain and an element of skill. Playing these games could be a way to keep your mind active and healthy. Even if they don’t, they are a great way to pass the time.

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