Three drowned in four days in Quebec | The Life Saving Association calls for a “compulsory” life jacket

Three drowned in four days in Quebec |  The Life Saving Association calls for a “compulsory” life jacket

“The data do not lie: nine out of ten victims do not wear or float their floating device properly.

Released at 6:29 p.m.
Updated at 9:00 pm.

William Theriold

William Theriold

Renault Hawkins, managing director of the Life Saving Society, thinks people “do not see the potential danger” of a situation when they engage in water activity.

“The main reason people don’t wear their personal floating devices (PFDs) is because they don’t want to fall aboard,” he says. Let me draw parallels. When I wear a helmet while biking or skiing, do I know I’m going to have an accident? ⁇

Set aside time to wear [un VFI]. You need to tell stories rather than plays to bring your loved ones to life.

Ronald Hawkins, Managing Director of the Life Saving Society of Quebec

Mr. Hawkins, like seat belts in cars, wants to make wearing compulsory PFDs a common practice in society. “I dare say that the regulatory environment makes a difference,” he says.

About 80 people a year have drowned in the past decade. 73% of these deaths occur during the warmest months of the calendar between May and September.

In the last days

On Wednesday evening, a body was recovered from the St. Lawrence River in Montreal, a metropolitan area of ​​Verdun.

A passerby on the waterfront in Laos called 911 when he saw the body shaking.

The man was later found dead in a small suburban area of ​​Verdun, near the intersection of Boulevard LaSalle and Rudi L’Gillis.

The victim underwent resurrection maneuvers and was taken to a hospital where death was not immediately confirmed.

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An 81-year-old woman drowned in the northern coast of Baie-Trinité on Tuesday. This is the third death in Quebec in four days.

An 84-year-old man, Emilian Butin, was on board the victims’ boat. Sergeant Helein Saint-Pierre of Sûreté du Québec (SQ) says they both capsized in the middle of Rochester Lake “for an undecided reason”.

At 12:30 p.m., the emergency service received a call for assistance. Wildlife officials in the area rescued the two from the water. They were in the lake to fish.

“Revival Maneuvers Attempted” MMe Butin, Helen Saint-Pierre continues. “His death was announced later in the afternoon. The man, for his part, was placed under” surveillance “at a hospital center.

The victim was not wearing a personal floating device (PFD) at the time of the accident. “Make sure your PFD is good to wear during sea activity,” SQ commented.

On Saturday, a 36-year-old man drowned while fishing in Baie-Comeau. Also on Monday, a 63-year-old man died the same way in Saint-Rose-du-Nord in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean area.

According to data from Quebec’s Life Saving Society, 18 people have drowned in the province this year. This is one less death on the same date than last year.

If the victim wears his PFD properly, it is mainly hypothermia that causes death. “In addition to the shock of accidentally falling into the water, you have a very significant heat shock, which can trigger hyperventilation. You will lose consciousness after a minute, ”explains Renault Hawkins.

You can learn to navigate a light boat, navigate the waves, view weather forecasts, and take time off to avoid an accident during sea activity.

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With the Canadian Press

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