Thunderstorms: Around the south of the province

Published on July 18, 2023 at 11:37 am

Southern and eastern Quebec is humid. This brings more feelings and, yes, the risk of thunderstorms again. forecast.

A little heavier

Temperatures will again be in the upper 30s in the south and east of the province. In the Outaouais, greater Montreal area, Estrie, Beauce, Capitale-Nationale and Gaspésie, maximum temperatures will be between 24 ° and 27 °, but between 31 and 34 are felt. It is in the Gaspésie that the Humidex can be very intense.

Thunderstorm 1 (2)

Americans are still vigilant

Although much milder than recent days, this moisture is enough to fuel storm potential in these areas. The system that caused flooding in Pennsylvania on Monday is moving northeast. Flood warnings have been issued again for Vermont, New York, New Hampshire and Maine.

Thunderstorm 2 (2)

A storm is possible

The system touches the south and east of Quebec. On Tuesday afternoon and evening, Estrie, Beauce, then Bas-Saint-Laurent and New Brunswick could be affected by violent thunderstorms. So we’re talking about the possibility of strong winds, large hail and of course sudden heavy rain.

Thunderstorm 3 (2)

Less intense north of the river

Thunderstorms are possible in Montérégie, the Montreal area, the Outauais, the Laurentians and all areas along the north shore of the St. Lawrence. But they should not be violent because the energy available is limited.

In collaboration with meteorologist Patrick Duplessis

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