Training for neo-Nazis in Canada | According to Justin Trudeau, Minister Lavrov’s comments are “ridiculous”

Training for neo-Nazis in Canada |  According to Justin Trudeau, Minister Lavrov’s comments are “ridiculous”

(Ottawa) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Monday that Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s claim that Canada was training neo – Nazis was simply “absurd and unacceptable.”

Released at 5:18 p.m.

Michael Sabah
Canadian Press

On the sidelines of a press conference on the automotive industry in Windsor, Ontario, Mr.

In an interview with an Italian news channel, Minister Lavrov confirmed that there could be Nazi elements in Ukraine, even if some individuals, including President Volodymyr Zhelensky, were Jewish.

“Hitler was also of Jewish descent, so it doesn’t mean anything,” he said in Russian, which he later translated into Italian when asked about Russian claims that he had occupied Ukraine to “reduce” Ukraine.

Mr. In the same interview, Lavrov said that the United States and Canada had trained new Nazis in the Ukrainian military, according to the Russian news agency DOS.

“Americans, and especially Canadians, have openly played a leading role in the formation of neo-Nazi extremist units in Ukraine.

Mr. According to Trudeau, all those who oppose “the most alarming increase in Holocaust atrocities and heinous crimes” must “strongly condemn Russia’s ridiculous and unacceptable position.”

After Question Hour, Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Jolie called on her Russian counterpart to apologize for her “disgusting, disgraceful and anti-Semitic” rhetoric.

“In the approach to the question, he says, it’s like taking victims to the Holocaust and turning them into executioners if we know better what happened during the Holocaust.Me Beautiful. We know the genocide took place. ⁇

According to him, the Russians are ultimately trying to “justify the unjustifiable” with misinformation.

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Minister Lavrov’s comments on Nazism and anti-Semitism provoked Israeli outrage, calling them “unforgivable.” The country invited the Russian ambassador to give him a lecture.

It condemned the remarks of Ukrainian Minister Lavrov, accusing him of wanting to “rewrite history” and seeking arguments to justify the “massacre” of Ukrainians.

With the Associated Press

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