TVT outlines the first three gaming projects by the former God Eater and Patapon staff

TVT outlines the first three gaming projects by the former God Eater and Patapon staff

TVTa company founded by Toshiyuki Yasui in January 2019, who has worked in God eater series and Freedom warsshe has announce Its “official debut” has shared the first information about its first three projects currently in development.

Get the details below.

Theoretical R&D Engine

The “Theory Engine”, which is in research and development internally, is an intermediate technology created for the purpose of developing online games on a large scale. It is an open-system network engine that enables real-time, high-performance creation multiplayer Online Action games, which provides a “faster”, “serverless and hassle-free” gaming environment with “more players”. TVT will continue to build the flagship model for this engine, both for games developed in-house and for licensing to external companies.

  • Senior Engineer Rank: Yoshikazu Satake (God eater)
  • Engineer: Daisuke Imura (God eaterAnd Sky Gunner)
  • Engineer: Toshinari Takahashi
TVT - Theoretical Engine

Project JabberWocky

This title is a new rhythm action game from patabon Director Hiroyuki Kotani and sound creator Kenmi Adachi. It takes place in a unique world with cute characters. It’s in development as a title that will be implemented in multiplayer via Theory Engine’s serverless technology.

  • Director: Hiroyuki Kotani (patabonAnd eleventh [sai]And Mad Maestro!And Sky Gunner)
  • Producer: Kazuto Sakagiri (Eye of judgmentAnd Magatsu Wahrheit)
  • sound: Kenmi Adachi (patabonAnd LokorokoAnd Gran Turismo)
  • Lead artist: nelnal (Tweet embed)
TVT - The JabberWocky Project

Shaz . project

This title is the latest multiplayer action game from God eater development team. Please look forward to a new story created by Freedom wars The tag team is Toshiyuki Yasui and Tomokazu Fukushima. It’s in development as a title that implements multiplayer multiplayer via The Theory Engine.

  • Producer: Toshiyuki Yasui (God eaterAnd Freedom wars)
  • Scenario: Tomokazu Fukishima (deadfor solid gearAnd Freedom wars)
  • Director: Kenny Nakasha (.hack // GUAnd weird jojo Adventure: All-Star Battle)
  • Art Director: Rin Kususaga (Lord of the CrimeaAnd Saucepan/ Grand Medal)
TVT - Shaz . Project
TVT - Shaz . Project

Visit the official website of TVT here.

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