Unity Catherine Dorian draws a line under politics

Unity Catherine Dorian draws a line under politics

Announcing in the fall that she would not be a candidate, Quebec Solidarity MNA Catherine Dorian explained that she now wants to return to the “streets” as an activist, as she did before her election.

With tears in his eyes, the incompatible politician Friday, TheEr April, on social networks. However, all the official party circles assured that this was not a joke.

“I assure you he will not run for a second term,” said Stéphanie Guévremont, of the Québec solidaire’s parliamentary wing.

Four years later, shortly after his appointment, Catherine Dorian wrote a love letter to the people who rode in Dassault. Elected in 2018, he will turn 40 next September.

“I want to tell you that you were there “SD”. Thanks for the energy of the fight. I have a lot of hope for the future, ”he explained, especially on guitar with Jean-Lஜsz’s assistant Soul Sanetti.

Very passionately, he describes many notable and turbulent chapters of his time in politics: his speeches, his TankHis costume, his Halloween photo, his presence Everyone is talking about itThird link and mobilization against radio-garbage.


“We have won things that need to be overcome in the chaos of the last few years, and we must not give it up. Not only in the National Assembly, but also on the streets. That is what I want to do now,” said the actress and activist.

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As he delivers his message, he uses his political background, especially in the art world to indicate that he wants to return wherever he comes from. He wants citizens to take the same leap he tried four years ago.

“I like others Bad guy Come test the limits of this political-economic system destroyed by worms. ⁇

Clearly visible

Catherine Dorian did not give an interview. He meets with reporters Monday morning. “I’m not gone. You will see me in the countryside like you never saw me,” she promises.

Quebec Solitaire underlined his departure. Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois and Manon Massé wanted to pay tribute to him.

“The path to social and climate justice is a long one, and all avenues must be occupied if we are to think that we can go together. Thank you, Catherine, for being by our side for the past four years. Democracy emerges victorious,” Manon Massey writes.

“Thank you all, Katherine. I’m proud to have experienced this with you, and I’m proud to host the final straight to your side, ”wrote Gabriel Nado-Dubois.

The next provincial general election will be held on October 3, 2022.

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