Valerie Plante wants to freeze the salaries of elected officials

Valerie Plante wants to freeze the salaries of elected officials

Montreal’s mayor wants to freeze the salaries of elected officials through 2024, his office announced Thursday, after a significant increase in the envelope earmarked for their pay.

Valerie Plante indicated on Thursday that the budget submitted Wednesday increases this budget from $16.8 million to $18.6 million, but that she is proposing to the City Council not to touch this additional funding.

In normal times, municipal regulations provide that the salaries of mayors and municipal councilors automatically follow the cost of living.

“There will be no automatic indexation of wages for 2024,” said Plante, through his press secretary Mary Kim Godreault. “We want to continue the efforts of both the public service and the people to tighten the current economic environment and the finances of the city. » This decision must be approved by the municipal council.

“So mentioning 11% increase in salaries of elected officials is wrong,” he added.

The news was first reported by Radio-Canada on Thursday.

In 2023, elected officials receive a 6.7% increase, or an “applicable index rate,” the city of Montreal noted in a separate news release. “Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the target wage fixed by this Code is on September 7, 2023, retroactive to September 1.R January 2023.”

Plant management presented a $7 billion budget Wednesday, with spending increasing by 3.4%. These would be funded by an average increase of $227 in municipal residential taxes.

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