[VIDÉO] Found on market: Thief arrested for trying to resell bike…to owner

[VIDÉO] Found on market: Thief arrested for trying to resell bike…to owner

Tuesday morning in front of the Prefontaine metro station in Montreal felt like a movie. A man who posted a stolen bike on a marketplace was caught by police trying to resell it to its owner.

Newspaper Arrived there and captured the entire scene. It lasted a total of 10 minutes.

Two policemen rushed to the spot.

Photo by Julien McEvoy

Two policemen rushed to the spot.

“I bought this bike yesterday on the marketplace,” the man, who identifies himself on Facebook and the marketplace as Feigal El Aufir, repeated to the two police officers.

Faycal El Aoufir stole the bike market

Photo by Julien McEvoy

He was arrested at the scene for receiving stolen goods. He said he deleted the Marketplace conversation with the person who bought the bike, for which he paid cash, leaving no trace of an interactive exchange.

The bike was stolen on Monday evening at 4:10 pm in front of Memento Bar, on the banks of the Lachine Canal. Faycal El Aoufir asked $299 for the Norco Valence Aluminum 105, worth over $1000.

Street justice

The victim, a 27-year-old woman, was having a beer with her father, Louis, on Monday afternoon. After they paid the bill, a moment of carelessness led the thieves to flee with their two bikes.

A few hours later, Lewis listed his daughter’s bike on Marketplace for $299. A scratch on the frame, black tape on the handlebar, no doubt, it’s the same.

The father immediately called 911 around 11 p.m. Monday. He was told to open a file.

“I’m going to pick him up tomorrow morning and I’m going to call 911 when I see the thief in front of me,” she replied to the police.

Despite officials recommending that nothing be done, a plan was implemented. It was in this scene that took place in front of the metro station at around 9.45 am on Tuesday. Newspaper Helped.

A happy ending

After an exchange in the marketplace with the victim’s boyfriend, Louise’s nephew, the seller showed up as agreed. Faycal El Aoufir showed off the bike and insisted it was high quality.

Zachary, the victim's boyfriend, along with the seller, Tuesday morning, around 9:45 a.m.

Photo by Julien McEvoy

Zachary, the victim’s boyfriend, along with the seller, Tuesday morning, around 9:45 a.m.

Within two minutes of the talks, the police arrived at the scene. The salesman’s face fell.

Seller speaks with police officers upon arrival at the scene.

Photo by Julien McEvoy

Seller speaks with police officers upon arrival at the scene.

Police officers stopped him and told him to get into the back of their vehicle.

Suspect in police vehicle

Photo by Julian McEvoy

Suspect in police vehicle

They have identified the bike using unique markings like invoice, serial number and scratch, ribbon, logo of the shop bought in 2021.

Once the bike was safely in the hands of its owner, things calmed down. But we still had to find a second bike, Lewis, at a lower price.

After discussion with the police, the suspect agreed to take the second bike. He was parked behind the metro station.

Zachary with Pike that he will be happy if his lover returns.

Photo by Julian McEvoy

Zachary with Pike that he will be happy if his lover returns.

Feigal El Aufir went to his home not far from the scene to retrieve the padlock key. He gave the bike to his father who was at the scene on Tuesday morning.

In exchange, Lewis, his daughter and his son-in-law will not report the theft.

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