Weather: A rainy day can make moving difficult

Weather: A rainy day can make moving difficult

Despite the Humidex effect on Friday before the rain returns for moving day, Quebecers should take advantage of the relatively good weather. This weekend, umbrellas and raincoats will be needed in the province.

The week ends on a positive note with sunny weather returning to southern Quebec and clouds moving into some central and eastern areas.

The mercury will rise as temperatures are expected to reach 27 degrees and 32 for Montreal and 32 for Quebec and Estrey.

For Saturday, Environment Canada is predicting a lot of instability. There is a risk of showers and thunderstorms in parts of southwestern Quebec.

The center and east of the province are not spared, as rain is also expected, especially in areas a little further north, where it will be cooler.

On Sunday, the weather will be rainy almost everywhere, with showers of low intensity, while clouds are expected to thin in western Quebec.

On the temperature side, we should lose a few degrees on Sunday, but the Humidex effect will still be there despite the gray weather, according to federal agency projections.

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