Weather in North America is erratic

Weather in North America is erratic

Bad weather

Summers are harsh in many parts of North America, including Quebec. Hot and cold temperature contrasts are found everywhere. Warmth dominates the far north, although the mercury will be 2°C to 5°C below normal in Quebec, the prairies, and the US West Coast. In fact, heat warnings have been issued for the Yukon, Northwest Territories and beyond the Arctic Circle. On Monday, several heat records were broken in the Northwest Territories and Yukon. Some are over sixty years old.

VMET21 heat

Atmospheric occlusion

An anticyclone is practically stationary in the northwest of the country while a depression spreads north of Quebec. La Belle Province should have temperatures near or below seasonal norms. In the Yukon and Northwest Territories, the mercury could rise up to 15 degrees Celsius above average. This condition should last for at least five days.

VMET21 environment1

The world is upside down

Unusual fact: Inuvik will be hotter than Montreal next week. In fact, this area near the Arctic Circle may be eligible for a heat wave. The mercury should be kept at about 30°C. In southern Quebec, highs are below seasonal norms, 26°C for the metropolis. In September-Eels, we also broke the highest low record on Monday with 3.9°C.

VMET21 mediogram

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