Weather in Quebec: Cloudy on Sunday

Weather in Quebec: Cloudy on Sunday

Quebecers can expect a gray Sunday, punctuated by clouds and a high chance of intermittent rain.

In Montreal, the mercury will reach 5°C, promising a relatively mild day despite the season. However, you should pay attention to wind speeds expected through the evening, which could reach 40 km/h, according to Environment Canada. Additionally, there is a chance of rain, mainly in the form of rain, but possibly in the form of snow, during the morning.

Residents of the Quebec region, meanwhile, can expect temperatures between -5°C and 1°C, with a higher chance of snow late into the evening. Similar conditions are expected in Estrey.

In Saguenay, cloudy skies are forecast with a 60% chance of snow and a high of zero. Winds are expected to blow from the west at a speed of 40 kmph.

The same winds will blow across Abitibi-Demiskaming, where the mercury will drop to -7 degrees Celsius during the day. Additionally, despite the overcast skies, very little precipitation is expected according to Environment Canada forecasts.

In Gaspési, the sun should be abundant, although there may be cloudy periods and rain.

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