Weekly horoscopes for the week of July 17th

Weekly horoscopes for the week of July 17th

Solange, Cancer.
Illustrative photo: Preity Kinha; Getty Images

On Monday, a nurturing Cancer new moon invites you to take your emotions more seriously than you have lately. New moons are good for rest and reflection. Use this time to think about which of your needs are not being met, and what you can do to change that. Then, on Saturday night, Venus begins retrograde. From now until right back on September 3rd, you may face challenges in your love life, from arguments to lost connections to weird dates. Don’t think of these as setbacks but as opportunities to discover what you want Do Wants. Finally (and also on Saturday night), the Sun enters Leo! Leo season invites you to stop thinking small and waiting on the sidelines, and start acting like you deserve all the happiness and love you’ve ever dreamed of. It’s an interesting, creative, expressive time. Try to enjoy it.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. You understand that life is unpredictable, often unfair, and sometimes even silly, and that the best way to get through it is to keep a sense of humor about it. Sometimes, though, people mistake your sense of humor for a sign that you’re not really trying or that you’re careless about your future. They may take it to mean that they can play at your expense, so you can deal with it being just a joke. But this week, especially, you can Need more care. Do not ignore strange comments or impolite behavior. Let people know that you expect to be treated well.

For some time now, you’ve been struggling with accepting that your life isn’t going to turn out the way you always thought it would. The world looks different than it did before, keeps changing, and You are on Different from what you used to be too. Your old ambitions may not match, and your past desires may not match the person you grew to be. Remember this week that you don’t have to keep doing the same things you’ve always done if you are no longer satisfied with the status quo. Be brave enough to rewrite your goals and set out on a new path.

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You sometimes reject other people’s attempts to take care of you, whether you’re uncomfortable with intimacy, don’t think you deserve attention, or think it’s your job to take care of yourself. And even though you are ultimately responsible for your own happiness, that doesn’t mean you can’t accept any help. This week, when others offer support, welcome it—even if it takes some effort on your part. You don’t have to be completely self-sufficient, present a tough exterior all the time, or twist every compliment into a joke. Everyone needs a little softness, even you.

There is so much in your life that you wish were different. If you can wave a stick, it will heal all your old wounds, erase the selfish or insecure parts of your personality, and always be kind to yourself and the people around you. But your craving for improvement sometimes makes it hard to get through the day. So, this week your task is to stop putting so much pressure on yourself, even if it’s only for the time being. There will be plenty of time later to challenge yourself and grow. For now, trust that you are already doing what you can, and that’s enough.

It’s easy to carry yourself with confidence when everything is going smoothly, when you have great accomplishments to brag about and people are full of praise for what you’ve accomplished. When life gets tough — when plans don’t go as expected or opportunities seem to be running out — it becomes hard to hold on to that self-confidence. Your challenge this week is not to put too much emphasis on accepting others. Because, in the end, you don’t need it and you don’t have anything to prove. Even when times are strange, you can believe in yourself.

You put a lot of energy into being good to others. You want the people around you to see you as someone who is trustworthy, thoughtful, and makes their lives happier. You understand that loving people can take work, and you’re happy to put the effort into it. What you forget, sometimes, is to be careful Receive love in return. Relationships cannot be one-sided – you have to give others the opportunity to be good to them You also. This week, count on your friends for a change. Embrace their care and support with the same grace they give you.

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You can’t stand it when people act like they’re the most special person in the room, as if their lives are inherently more interesting and their needs are more pressing than anyone else’s. It is important to never act this way, never deceive yourself into thinking that you matter more than the people around you. But while you are not the main character of the universe, you are We are The main character in your life. You don’t have to impose your own interests on everyone around you, but this week, remember that it’s okay to care deeply about your emotions and desires. You. This does not mean that you are selfish.

I’ve learned through painful experience that you can’t always give others the benefit of the doubt. While most people do their best to be responsible and treat others right, you can’t ignore the fact that some just don’t. In order to take care of yourself, it is essential to maintain a healthy atmosphere of skepticism. However, sometimes, it is necessary to let doubts go. save everyone At arm’s length hurts, too. This week, be sure to open up, let your friends get close to you, and trust that you can show your true self and be met with love.

Lately, I’ve been finding it difficult to stay focused on your work and life. Instead, your attention continues to wander toward your peers: What have they accomplished, what milestones have they reached, and how do I stack up? The constant comparison is enough to make you question everything you’ve achieved and every choice you’ve ever made. In the end, this is just a distraction. So, keep your eyes on your paper this week, so to speak. Keeping up with others is not your job. You have your own goals, a unique and wonderful future, and it has nothing to do with what anyone else wants.

When your life isn’t going the way you want it to — when you’re stressed about money, worried about the future, or feeling lonely — you tend to assume that You He definitely does something wrong. You tell yourself you need to work harder, spend your time with “better” people, or change your attitude. And sometimes, it’s true. But other times, the universe is unfair, your timing is unlucky, or you’re simply experiencing life’s normal ebbs and flows. Don’t blame yourself for what is ultimately out of your control. Trust that doing your best is enough for now.

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There are many people in the world who would benefit from becoming more self-critical. Every day, you’re amazed at how many of your peers seem perfectly happy to act selfishly, immorally, or just plain thoughtless. In response, you often end up being overly critical of yourself, as if this might balance the scales. But in fact, everything he accomplishes is what he makes for you Life is more difficult. Focus this week on treating yourself with compassion for change, on accepting kindness and generosity from others without worrying too much about whether or not you “deserve” it.

In theory, you believe in the value of experimentation, trying new things, and approaching people and ideas with an open, honest curiosity. But in practice, this is not always easy to do. It requires a willingness to prove him wrong some (or a lot) of the time. You will give your trust to people who turn out to be unworthy of it, you will claim opinions that you later abandon, and you will go down a road that turns out to be a dead end. This week, don’t let anyone (including yourself) make you feel ashamed of it. Mistakes are a necessary part of the process.

Read the Weekly horoscopes For the week of July 10th Weekly horoscopes For the week of July 24th it will be online next Sunday.

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