Weekly horoscopes for the week of November 12, according to the story

Weekly horoscopes for the week of November 12, according to the story

Novelist Maxine Hong Kingston is a Scorpio.
Illustration: By Preeti Kinha; Photos: Getty

Early Monday morning, the Scorpio new moon invites you to be completely and brutally honest with yourself: Is this the life you want? Are you living up to your ideals? Do your relationships provide you with the care and support you need? Don’t make excuses for others or yourself. If you are brave enough to admit the truth, even when it is uncomfortable or painful, you can be brave enough to make change.

You don’t like moving slowly, and being still less. When you are in motion you feel more alive, more like yourself. But everyone, even you, needs to stop once in a while to catch their breath and let your heart rate slow down. In order to decide what to do, sometimes you have to sit quietly and observe first. If you want to change the world, the best thing you can do this week is rest, if you can, and keep your eyes open for new opportunities.

When your problems are too much to bear or when the news is all bad, it can be impossible to imagine a better future. It’s easy to convince yourself that life will be this painful and sad forever, and that you would be foolish to hope for more. If you try to dig yourself out of this hole on your own, you’ll probably get nowhere. Right now, you need other people. Conversations create space for you to imagine new worlds together; Interactions remind you that people can be amazing and wonderful. Open your heart and you will change for the better.

Lately, you’ve barely had a moment to think about what you’re doing, let alone what you’re doing Likes To do. you are very busy. Problems arise and you deal with them, friends ask for help and you show up, your boss drops work on your plate and you do it. Sometimes, there is no choice but to deal with each new crisis as it comes. However, this week try to take some time to think about the bigger picture. What are your goals, and how can you reach them? When life slows down (and it will), how will you use your time? By intention?

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You feel that those around you underestimate you. It seems as if no one understands how capable you are. Even the people closest to you don’t realize your courage, talent, and potential. You I know you have more to offer, but sometimes you worry that you’re the only one who does. This week, it’s up to you to stop waiting to be called upon to prove it. You don’t need permission to make bold, surprising choices or to be true to yourself. If you want more from life, you have the opportunity to make it happen.

Your thoughts have been flying all over the place: there are so many stories worth your time, topics that capture your interest, and people telling you where you “should” focus. This week, pay attention to who and what catches your eye. It’s a powerful force, so think about how you use it and who you give it to. You don’t owe everyone and everything consideration. Remember, you are allowed to be unique.

When you spend your day trying to manage the hectic demands of life, you don’t have the time To engage in meaningful conversation with every acquaintance you encounter or leave yourself open to encounters with strangers. But this week may be inevitable. People seem attracted to you; They want to tell you their story, talk about the meaning of life, and bond on a deeper level. Try as much as possible to embrace these unexpected intimate moments. Of course, you’re allowed your limits, but no matter how busy you are, you won’t regret making time for human connection.

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For a long time now, you have been thinking about changing your life. You’ve been weighing your options, listing the pros and cons, and the possible outcomes running through your head. The problem is that there is no way to predict everything Possibilities. Every leap forward carries risks, but staying where you are is not without its own risks. This week, free yourself from expectations that you will somehow make the “perfect” choice. If you do the best you can with the information you have now and then reevaluate it and do it over and over again, over time you will end up where you want to be.

Something hurts inside you: a truth you’ve been reluctant to own, a feeling you’ve been unable to articulate, a desire you’ve been slow to name. It’s not that you are scared To speak up – you’re not afraid of anything – it’s just that it didn’t seem like the right moment or you didn’t know exactly how to say what you meant. However, this week, trust that the words will come and the people you need to understand most will come. Stop keeping so much stuff. The more you open up, the lighter, freer and stronger you will feel.

Your emotions are overwhelming now; The intensity of your sadness, anger, and love threaten to intrude into your every conversation, distract you from your job, and derail your plans. It’s easy to feel resentful in your heart, and wish you could turn off your feelings for a while. It’s better to allow yourself to move instead. If it interrupts the flow of your daily life, so be it. If that creates some uncomfortable moments, there are worse things. Let your heart guide you.

You were hoping for a stronger sense of community, some reassurance that others have your back and that you’re not alone in the world. This week, fight loneliness by investing your energy in fostering close relationships. It can be frustrating that relationships take a lot of work, but you’ve never been afraid to roll up your sleeves. You have the power to build the links you want.

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This week you could use a reminder that you are allowed to break the rules. You know this is true, but it can be easy to forget it and give in to pressure and fall in line. You don’t have to make the decisions your parents want you to do, follow the same path as your friends, or adopt the same opinions as your peers. Your life is yoursIt’s up to you to live it well, whatever that means for you. Sometimes, this requires putting your own needs aside for the sake of the group. Right now, that means fighting to live your life road.

You have more energy than you know what to do with right now, and if you’re not careful, this energy will spread, which could cause you to step on your toes or even unintentionally hurt other people’s feelings. Reduce your intensity for too long and it is sure to show up in unexpected ways. So, this week, you need one goal, one project you can pour your whole heart into. I was given a chance to Do Something with all that passion and the feeling that you’re using your time well, you’ll feel less frustrated and more fulfilled.

Read the Weekly horoscopes For the week of November 6 Weekly horoscopes For the week of November 19, it will be online next Sunday.

Buy Claire Comstock Jay’s book, Madame Clairvoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.

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