What do you wish you knew sooner in Zelda: Kingdom’s Tears?

What do you wish you knew sooner in Zelda: Kingdom’s Tears?

still here? lovable. Let’s start things off with…

Purah filling

Those of us who wanted to get the main story under our belts inadvertently skipped Josha and Robbie and the chance to get a full Purah Pad after completing Firstly The pursuit of territorial phenomena. would Travel medals And Automated construction Was it a useful feature to have it from the start? definitely. Was it hard to learn more about it only after spending over 50 hours on the game? Yes. Yes it was.

Even the capabilities that we are an act Learn about the existence of hidden layers that we can only believe were very useful in the early game. There have been many of us who have painstakingly flattened things with the Ultrahand by rotating them, unaware of the fact that you can simply press “ZL” with a single selection to instantly transform it into a perfect base.

Shiny happy people

What about that crafty map? We diligently completed every shrine we came across so we could create a fast-travel point for later, but it turned out You can quickly travel to a shrine without having to complete a challenge first – Who knows?! (It turns out that a lot of people are, but not us.)

The same applies to the depths. There is a notebook in an early section of the game that very clearly indicates a file A very direct relationship Between the location of the Shrines on the surface and the Lightroots in the depths, but did we take that right away? No, we spent many hours wandering aimlessly in the dark. It was fun, but still.

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It was very possible

We can say the same about Fuse. Come on, do You I know that You can defuse your weapons And shields from the flipping gear list? This writer didn’t (that was a 70 hour ad I’ll never shake)…

More useful discoveries – eg Using Ultrahand to remove flowers and mushrooms from the walls, Freeze water using ice itemsand take advantage of A bowl under the cherry trees It came thick and fast just after the 50-hour mark. If it shows anything, it’s that despite a month of playing this game at every available chance, we still haven’t scratched the surface. Or the depths, or the islands of the sky, for that matter.

With a world of this size, there are bound to be discoveries slipping through the net on the first playthrough, and so, with this in mind, we want to ask you, explorers from Hyrule. You can fill out the following survey to acknowledge which of the aforementioned features also struck you at first, then head over to the comments to let us know about any others you really wish you had found sooner.

Anything to add to the list? Leave an acknowledgment of what you missed in the comments below.

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