Why You Should Host Your Website with A Hosting Service Based In Canada

Why You Should Host Your Website with A Hosting Service Based In Canada

●     Your Target Audience is Canadian

If the audience for your website lives in Canada, then it behooves you to choose a hosting service with data centers in this country. The closer your target customer is to your server, the faster the website will load for them. Internet users these days have no patience for slow-loading websites. Therefore the quicker your site loads, the better. Imagine, for instance, that you were trying to serve your website to Canadians, but the server was in France. The data for your site would have to travel a much longer distance to your customers than if the server was in Canada. The farther data has to travel, the longer it will take to load on your audience’s computer. Although server location is not the only factor involved in determining your site’s loading speed, it just makes good sense to have your server be as close as possible to the people you want to visit it. That’s the trick everyone use, and a website to buy college essay is not an exception. Every service wants to be closer to its audience.

Additionally, if your target audience is Canadian and you use a host with servers in Canada, you’ll improve your search engine ranking. This is because your website is assigned an IP address based on the country where its host servers are located. Ergo if your host’s servers are in Canada, you’ll receive a Canadian IP address. This is important because Google uses your site’s IP address to provide searchers with relevant results. So if someone searches for your keyword and they live in Canada, your website is more likely to come up if you have a Canadian IP address. Furthermore, the higher your site is ranked on a search engine results page, the more traffic your site is likely to experience. And the more traffic you get, the more people you’re likely to convert to customers.

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●     You Want Data Privacy

The data contained on a physical server is subject to the country’s laws where the server is located. This means that the Canadian legal system governs servers in Canada.

In Canada, all data is protected by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). PIPEDA regulates how private sector organizations amass, utilize, and disclose personal information during commercial business. PIPEDA also protects personal and sensitive data from being accessed without the knowledge of the data owners. In other words, the Canadian government cannot just access your server data.

By contrast, if you were to host your website on a US server, your website data would fall under the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act gives the US government legal access to your data. It also lets them monitor your communications if they believe your activity is suspicious. They can even prevent you from accessing your data. You’re subject to the Patriot Act if you host your website on a US server, even as a Canadian citizen. Therefore, purchasing web hosting in Canada makes more sense to keep your data away from the government’s prying eyes.

Furthermore, Canadian web hosts don’t have to comply with DMCA takedown requests. The Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) is American legislation that allows the FBI to raid data centers to take down illegal sites. Unfortunately, these raids often take down legitimate sites as well. However, if your website is on a Canadian server, the web host can review the DMCA claim and isolate the site in question, and this, therefore, lessens the chance that your site might be seized and shut down.

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●     You Want Electrical Reliability in your Servers

Even though Canada is one of the world’s most significant power users, mainly because of home heating demands, it’s also one of the world’s biggest energy exporters. In other words, Canada has a surplus of power. As a result of this surplus, Canada rarely experiences power outages. Then, of course, power outages happen, but these are generally the result of inclement weather like high winds and freezing rain.

In the US, by contrast, many states experience frequent power outages. For example, in 2019, California experienced 25,281 blackout events.

Therefore, to increase the uptime reliability of your website, you’re better served by using a host with servers in Canada as their data centers experience fewer power outages and less site downtime.

●     You Care About the Environment

Canada is the second-largest producer of hydroelectric power in the world. In fact, it accounts for 59.3% of the country’s electricity supply. As a result, most of the country’s data centers run on hydroelectricity.

Hydroelectric power, or hydro for short, is considered renewable energy because it uses the Earth’s natural water cycle’s kinetic energy to generate electricity. In addition, it has a 90% efficiency rate for converting kinetic energy to electricity, its production doesn’t burn fuel, and it doesn’t release direct emissions into the atmosphere during its generation. Therefore, it’s a clean form of energy that doesn’t harm the environment.

On a global scale, data centers consume around 416 terawatts of energy. This is roughly three percent of all the electricity generated on the planet. Electrical consumption often results in emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, especially when fuel is burned. Therefore, if you care about the environment, you may want to host your site on a Canadian server because they power their data centers with clean energy.

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