Without PQ, no emergency evacuation!

Without PQ, no emergency evacuation!

Autonomy aspirations of the CAQ and its leader vis-à-vis Ottawa are doomed to fail, CAQ nationalism is too soft.

Justin Trudeau showed his colors by saying that a large number of Caqquists in the National Assembly will not change his position on the operation of the Canadian Confederation.

Ottawa’s intrusions into jurisdictions that fall under Quebec, abuse of federal spending power and apologies for multiculturalism will continue despite the CAQ.

Even more alarming, Justin Trudeau is unwilling to take a stand on immigration control.

He also inspires the courage to legally and politically attack laws passed by Quebec’s National Assembly.

The Prime Minister of Canada has no incentive to accommodate the CAQ’s demands because the latter has no answers even if Ottawa refuses to respond to our provincial government’s demands.

The next Quebec election will be fundamental to the future of Quebec. Don’t close the door in your face!

PQ is required

Nationalism was popular and fueled aspirations for greater autonomy for Quebec.

The Kegists have re-used the idea that inspired the Union Nationale’s election speeches in the 1950s and 1960s. Daniel Johnson’s slogan of equality or freedom certainly moved many hearts, but none of these events came true.

Expect the same fate to be reserved for CAQ.

We should not expect PLQ or QS to do well in terms of liberation.

Historical positions of the PLQ fall within the category of submission to federalism.

For QS, recent statements on secularism and the unclear path to independence demonstrate an electoral concern above all else. More than half of the people voting for QS are federalists and have nothing to paint nationalism.

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The PQ is the only political organization currently in the National Assembly to advocate true independence for Quebec.

It turns out to be the only party that the central government and the central government fear.

Without the strong presence of the Parti Québécois in the parliamentary precincts, Quebec cannot expect any significant gains in terms of increased powers!

Without a detour

I find it hard to understand the passion for CAQ and the policies of the 50’s and 60’s because we are condemned to create the same futile situation over and over again.

Many readers in favor of CAQ write to me contradictingly that PQ is necessary.

They want to turn it into a spare wheel. Our electoral process is far from guaranteed to be in the trunk of a car.

For our existential security, it’s better to have better tires on axles from the start.

If the sovereignist and separatist nationalists return to the PQ, the Quebec nation’s chances of survival will improve!

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